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Visit of representatives of the City of Poznań and the Taiwan Embassy to the MIP headquarters

We are happy to welcome a variety of guests to MIP!
Today we were honored to welcome by Mrs. Sharon S.N. Wu - Ambassador of Taiwan, Mr. Jacek Jaśkowiak - Mayor of Poznań and Ms. Iwona Matuszczak-Szulc - Director of the Department of City Development and International Cooperation.
Our representatives, President Izabela Czerniewska and Member of the Management Board Karolina Sydow had the opportunity to show guests around the MIP headquarters and discuss the tasks that we are implementing in June thanks to funding from the Embassy of Taiwan in order to support citizens of Ukraine. As part of the project activities, we offer consultations and integration meetings to migrants from Ukraine.
We would like to thank all the guests who visited us today for their fruitful meeting and for their time.
We are grateful for your support and we are glad that even more people will be able to benefit from our help!
"The project "Information and advisory point for citizens of Ukraine" implemented thanks to the good will of the people and government of Taiwan with the support of the City of Poznań" and #poznanwspiera, #czulypoznan
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Visit of representatives of the City of Poznań and the Taiwan Embassy to the MIP headquarters
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